Seniors Campus of Housing & Care Developments
June 27th, 2024
Dear Neighbours,
Recently the WNHCS has submitted a proposal to the BC Housing Indigenous Housing Programs request for proposals.
Development plans for Ataapis housing’s second phase, RG 35 (Ataapis 2), and the expansion of our Care Facility to include an Amenity / Activity Room, are now in the initial planning stages.
We continue to conduct studies and are in the midst of preliminary budgeting and design, with community consultations now beginning and being documented.
In an effort to provide our neighbourhood and the community a better understanding of what we are proposing to build, we have created this website page to keep everyone better informed on our progress as we move forward.
We have dedicated staff members Art Van Volsen (250 735-0236) and Lillian Thomas (250 724-5655) to contact, should you have additional questions, concerns or ideas as we respect and value your input into our planning decisions and share a mutual appreciation of our neighbourhood.
Derek Appleton
The WestCoast Native Health Care Society
Phone: (250) 724-5655
Email: info@rainbowgardens.ca
Additional Information:
RG35 Community Meeting Notice Mailout for Development Application – City of Port Alberni
Community Meeting Affordable Housing Needs Summary Handout – WNHCS
June 6th 2024 Community Meeting Notes Summary – WNHCS
RG35 Preliminary Site Plan, Floor Plan and Elevation Drawings – D-Architecture
RG35 Preliminary Building Renderings – D-Architecture
Preliminary Amenity and Activity Room Drawing – D-Architecture
RG35 Transportation Impact Assessment – Watt Consulting Group
Traffic Safety Plan Concept Map (Draft) – WNHCS