Become a Resident
Huupsitas Independent Living Apartments
Huupsitas Brochure
Huupsitas Apartment Layouts
Independent Housing Rental Application
Please return completed rental application to
Applying for Admission:
Depending on your situation and care level, please see below for specifics on how to become a resident of Tsawaayuus Rainbow Gardens.
Applying for Admission to Tsawaayuus: Island Health must be contacted to obtain admission to Tsawaayuus. Families or individuals request an assessment through Island Health by a nurse who works out of their local Health Unit. Once assessed, individuals are wait-listed until a bed becomes available. Individuals or families interested in touring the facility are welcome. Please contact us to make arrangements.
Access to subsidized assisted living units is through a Home and Community Care assessment. For more information on subsidized units, contact the Home and Community Care Office nearest you. Please do not contact the Operator directly regarding subsidized units. For information on assisted living units, please refer to the Seniors Housing Directory of BC and the Community Care and Assisted Living Act of BC.
Seniors Supportive Housing provides low-income seniors accessible housing with supports.

Frequently asked questions
Island Health determines the monthly rate based of your tax assessment notice. It is very important to get your taxes done yearly. For Long-Term Care it is roughly 80% of your income. For Assisted Living it is roughly 70% of your income.” For Assisted Living there is also an $18.00/month Hydro surcharge
For Long-Term Care: Personal care, all meals, laundry/Housekeeping service. For Assisted Living: Personal Care, 2 of the 3 daily meals, weekly light housekeeping, weekly bed linen washing, basic lifeline service.
For both Long-Term Care and Assisted Living the most common chargeable extras are: cablevision, foot care, hair salon, and for Long-Term Care only: wheelchair rentals.
Guests are welcome to visit residents during the daytime and appointments are not required. Please check-in with the nursing station on arrival.
Yes! We welcome visits from all types of pets as long as they are friendly to staff and other residents.
If you would like to volunteer or join our Auxiliary, please contact our Activity Coordinators at (250) 724-5655 or